Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our Pear Pie

Was DELICIOUS, though a little runny (apparently this is the nature of pears and pie making! Who knew!) Here is what we did:

Follow the granola recipe except double the amounts of ingredients for making the syrup (honey, brown sugar/coconut sugar, oil). This should make enough for one large pie, bottom crust and top crust. Once granola is mixed up, divide in half and press one half into a pie pan. Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes with aluminum foil covering the crust. When done, remove and set aside.

I used 6 large pears, peeled and sliced thinly. Added 2 Tbsp arrowroot and 1/3 cup of honey. Mixed until just blended and then poured into pie crust. Cover with remaining granola (can roll this out between wax paper or form into strips for the pie top). Make small holes with fork to vent on top. Bake at 350 for 20-45 minutes (check periodically-- time depends on thickness). You can use tapioca, potato or cornstarch in place of arrowroot-- just reduce amount to slightly less than 1 Tbsp in all.

DH was coming home late from work so I got B all ready for bed in jammies and all, and when Daddy got home, we all had a bedtime snack of pie and "milk" (chicka chicka boom boom milk of course!) It felt so normal I wanted to cry!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I wish you all a beautiful holiday! Stay tuned for candy cane recipes (and they are corn free. . . )

1 comment:

  1. We tried it again for Thanksgiving and I threw in some masa (though you could try quinoa flour) to the pear mix and it absorbed much of the liquid, making a much more stable pie. yay!
